venerdì 21 aprile 2017

Peplum midi dress on Rosegal!

Since spring 2013 there has been a massive trend towards peplum midi dress. In fact they are now some of most popular items on Rosegal, together with dress vest.
The word peplum originates from the ancient Greek word ‘peplos’ essentially meaning tunic and that’s exactly what i mean when i describe a garment as having a peplum design. Peplum dresses have a small sewn in overskirt, which looks a bit like an elongated hem that covers the hip area. 
Some examples from Rosegal store are shown below:

Rosegal is an online shopping site born from a group of friends who share a passion for clothing and fashion. On the site we can find a wide choice of different styles of clothing, shoes and accessories. Their main goal is to share their love for the best of fashion with each of us. The items are all carefully selected and there is the embarrassment of choice! Accepted payment methods are secure and we can make them through PayPal and credit card. Once you've selected all the items and completed your order, you receive an email confirmation with the tracking number to check the parcel. Shipping costs are always free but delivery times are a bit long. It takes about 20/25 days! Nevertheless, I think it is very convenient to buy on this site.

6 commenti:

  1. il vestito rosso è molto bello ed elegante! Vado a curiosare sul sito

  2. Sono entrambi bellissimi ma il primo è proprio del mio stile! Darò un'occhiata al sito :D

  3. A me continua a piacere, anche se non sono mai riuscita a trovare un abito con peplum che facesse per me.

  4. adoro tutto, fosse per me acquisterei tantissimo da questo fornitissimo store.

  5. splendido tutti questi abiti, corro a vedere se hanno qualcosa nella mia di taglia che son bella rotondetta.


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