giovedì 31 agosto 2017

My wishlist on Fashionmia

Today you can combine everything, but just everything! An example? Women jumpsuits are a great alternative to the classic elegant dress, if you match it with a precious sandal, but can also be chosen as a comfortable and everyday outfit if you are wearing it with classic sneakers.
Jumpsuits are perfect for the party season. It's a type of dress that exalts the waistline, it bands belly and hip. You do not have to be slim to wear it. There are many models suitable for curvy women too. 
On Fashionmia I have found so many clothing that can be perfect for women with any physicality. It is important that curvy women, however, choose soft and slippery fabrics. Slim and slender women, on the other hand, can opt for rigid and structured fabrics, as well as exuberant and colorful fantasies.
Lately i'm fixed for womens jumpsuits. I created a wishlist and I'll show a few pieces.

Among the many interesting proposals, Fashionmia also offers comfortable sweatshirts, wide and suitable for leisure or sport. I mainly wear them at home during the winter to be warm and relax. Here are some examples of cheap hoodies.

6 commenti:

  1. mi piace molto il primo vestito, elegante e ben fatto!

  2. Adoro i tutoni questo qui è molto bello vado sul sito grazie

  3. Bellissima la tua wishlist, la tutina nera è super sexy...corro sul sito a prendere qualcosa per me!! Grazie mille ;)

  4. Le felpe mi sembrano belle comode :O Darò una sbirciata al sito, sento già il portafoglio piangere!

  5. bellissime le felpe io le uso spesso nella stagione autunno/inverno queste sono davvero belle vado subito a farmi un giro sul sito

  6. La tuta rossa... WOW!!! sto sbavando, la voglio!!! Adoro questo sito di shopping!


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