giovedì 10 maggio 2018

Surefire Ways to Curb Sweet Tooth of a Child

There are things that you can do to curb sweet tooth. Chances are, your child will choose foods that are full of sugar and chocolate over foods that are high in nutrients. Teaching your child about the foods that they should eat and the benefits that they will get in eating them will help them make smarter food choices.

All parents want to give everything to their child and it can be difficult for some parents not to give the wants of a child. Eating in moderation is a way to keep healthy and sweet treats can be consumed by your child but not to the point that they eat sweets every day. Teaching them to eat sugar-rich foods in moderation will help them deal with their cravings.

Here are some of the things that you can do to curb sweet tooth:

Give sweet treats in moderation - You can give your child sweet treats occasionally but in small portions.
If your child is eating more than he or she should have then you should put a limitation on how much sweet treats should be eaten.

Offer healthy dessert alternatives - Eating dessert doesn’t necessarily eating a chocolate cake or an ice cream. You can give your child frozen fruit bars which are made from 100% fruit juice. Not only that this dessert is delicious but it is also full of vitamins and minerals. You can also give your child a baked apple with nuts as toppings. These kinds of desserts can be very enjoyable and it does not come short when it comes to taste.

Do not use dessert as a reward or punishment - A child should eat a nutritious meal before giving them dessert. Foods that are high in sugar release an enzyme called insulin and this sends a signal to the brain that you should eat more of it. Sugary foods can also suppress your appetite to eat your meal so eating dessert before a meal is not advisable. Also be sure to give your child the right portions when it comes to desserts.

Opt for a healthy alternative when buying after-school snacks - If you take your child with you to the market after school, don’t deprive her of a snack. But instead of her usual sugary treat, try opting for something that is reasonably healthy. You can even treat your child a healthy meal instead of giving her a sweet treat.

Introduce your child to healthier snacks

Remember that children will choose sugary foods most of the time because they love the taste of it. Instead of letting them choose for themselves, give her some options to choose from. Pick the snacks that you think will provide your child nutrition while satisfying his or her sweet tooth.

Also, it will be better if you stock up healthy snacks at home so that you will have a delicious treat to give your child whenever he or she asks for it. Introduce various foods to your child for him to develop a healthier palate. Let him try out healthier alternatives and this will help curb sweet tooth more effectively.

5 commenti:

  1. sono davvero degli ottimi consigli grazie per questo post dettagliatissimo

  2. alcune info non le sapevo nemmeno io grazie mille per questo post ricco e molto utile

  3. Articolo molto interessante! Ti ringrazio cara per gli ottimi consigli....a volte non è facile dire di no ai propri bimbi, ma ovviamente lo facciamo per il loro bene ;)

  4. Grazie per i consigli, tutto molto interessante per me che sono mamma. Ciao

  5. Per me che sono mamma di tre bimbi sono davvero degli ottimi consigli... grazie!


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