venerdì 28 giugno 2019

Lingerie: underwear fashion trends for summer

Lace and laces, under the dress everything is allowed!
The lingerie for this summer makes us queens of charm and elegance. So we give the go-ahead to the bras to show off with extreme ease even under a blazer. One of the latest trends sees the female underwear as the protagonist of the outfits. The more visible it is, the cooler it is!
Underwear, in fact, comes out in the open even with the most sophisticated looks.

Zipper front sports bra, for example, is perfect for creating super sexy looks. It should be worn underneath blazers and shirts to show off the wonderful work done in the gym during the winter.

Plus size front closure bra, however, is perfect for going dancing under a t-shirt. It keeps every curve stable but covers like a classic crop top. 

Front closure Bras can be worn as a simple lace topIt is a beautiful model with embroidered lace flowers and a V-neck. It perfectly outlines your silhouette and even adds sensual curves. It's a must-have to show off on a ton sur ton sheath skirt, but also with jeans and an evening blazer.

Front open bra is perfect for feeling sexy and elegant. The front opening bra is comfortable and quick to wear. Among my favorites there is the model with scalloped lace hems, the V-neck and super soft cups in triangle and without underwire.

Front closure wireless bra is perfect in combination with a silk shirt or a dress with a wide neckline.

You can make a real masterstroke if you replace the usual top under the jacket, the crew neck t-shirt or the elegant blouses, a bra. In this way, the elegant colored suit becomes uber cool. In short, this season's fashion sees an underwear that should no longer be worn under clothes. Now lingerie becomes the protagonist of our look!

4 commenti:

  1. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  2. sono al mare, ti leggo e ora vorrei tanto avere questo intimo da indossare è da compraaaaare!

  3. adoro l'intimo di questo genere, a me gusta mucho a dir poco!

  4. I reggiseni aperti sul davanti sono il massimo della comodità. Molto belli quelli in pizzo.


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