lunedì 22 aprile 2019

Trends spring summer 2019

To know all the trends for spring summer 2019 it is important to take a look at the catwalks to get inspiration, but real life is something else! You have to identify the trends to follow and dress them in the office as in your free time.
With the hot season just around the corner, you'll love long dresses and sandals. 
What could be better than wearing light, fluttering fabrics combined with low, comfortable yet super-fashionable shoes? 
I propose to you a mix and match of fantasies and styles to be fashionable without sacrificing practicality. I designed my own fashion proposal by choosing the dress and the shoes on Selaros, global online store that delivers latest fashion apparel. 

On this marketplace you can choose many cheap women's dresses online.
My favourite is Round Neck Polka Dot Skater Dress, a wide dress available in three fashionable colors. It has a narrow bodice, round neck and a wheel skirt.

I'm undecided on which slippers to match. Which do you think are better?
Color Block Slippers are delicious slippers in shades of brown and gold. The shoes have three bands of different colors and sizes. Being related to the feet a touch of light and elegance.

Travel Comfort Slippers are flat shoes with animal fantasy are really beautiful and eccentric. Maybe they are the right accessory with which to play down a dress that might seem almost formal.

Do you have any idea what my favorites cute womens slippers are?
Let me know what you think of it!

5 commenti:

  1. Adoro entrambi i modelli di ciabattine, soprattutto il primo dorato con intarsi geometrici..vado sul sito a controllare misura e prezzi!

  2. l’ultimo modello di ciabattine mi piace da morire, forse proprio per la diversità di colori…...

  3. sono tutti meravigliosi ma l'ultimo è davvero troppo bello, una favola.

  4. nel tuo blog scopro sempre nuovi store e idee super formidabili di cosa comprare e dove.

  5. I sandali sono troppo carini: si preannuncia così un grosso shopping di primavera!


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